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Specialty canes and novelty walking sticks
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bull canes, bull organ canes, bull penis cane
buffalo cane, reproductive organ cane
cowboy gifts, western style canes by Ross Taylor animal products, bull and buffalo walking sticks

As much as we would like to be the first ones who thought of using these bull products for canes and such… we aren’t. Some of the most notorious characters in American history apparently beat us to it...

The following are some famous and infamous Americans who are said to have had a cane such as this:

Jack Dempsey

Heavyweight champion of the world, born in Manassa, Colorado 1895 and died in New York City, 1988. He won the heavyweight title from Jess Willard on July 4, 1919 in Toledo, Ohio and lost it to Gene Tunny at Polo Grounds, New York City in 1926.

In my opinion, Dempsey’s killer instinct made him one of the great fighters of all time. Read More...

Jack Johnson

Born in Galveston, Texas, 1878 and died in an automobile accident, 1947. He won the championship from Tommy Burns at Russcutter Bay, Australia in 1908 and lost the title to Jess Willard in Havana, Cuba in 1915.

In my opinion, Jack Johnson was one of the three great heavyweights.

John D. (Doc) Holliday

Dentist by trade, gambler and gun fighter by choice. He was proficient with a knife and pistol, and often carried a sawed off shotgun. He was with the Earp Brothers at the OK Corral shootout in Tombstone, Arizona on October 6, 1881. He died in Glenwood Springs, Colorado of consumption (TB). Read More...

Bat Masterson

Famous frontier peace officer who made a name for himself in several of the wild cow towns of the West. He died at his desk in New York City, where he was a sports writer for the Herald Tribune. Read More...

These Bull Canes are owned by many famous people such as: Pro golfers Gary and Jack Nicolas, David Letterman, Toby Keith, Kenny Chesney, and Keith Urban.

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ALL of our products are made from the reproductive organ of an American buffalo or a domestic bull and that's NO BULL! A 5/16" steel rod is inserted from tip to tip. These products are extremely durable, built to use and last a lifetime.

animal products, bull and buffalo walking sticks
Specialty canes and novelty walking sticks
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3450 W. 8550 S. West Jordan, Utah 84088
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