Specialty canes and novelty walking sticks unique western gifts
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cowboy gifts, western style canes by Ross Taylor
animal products, bull and buffalo walking sticks
Specialty canes and novelty walking sticks
unique western gifts
bull canes, bull organ canes, bull penis cane
buffalo cane, reproductive organ cane
cowboy gifts, western style canes by Ross Taylor animal products, bull and buffalo walking sticks
Online Ordering

Browse our store and submit an order WITHOUT a credit card. Our store is set up this way because so many of our items are "special orders". When we receive your order, we will confirm it with you, verify the total price and make arrangements for payment. You can also print a fax/mail order form here...

Shipping price for any cane to the lower 48 States is $15.00. Please call for shipping prices to Alaska, Hawaii or international addresses.

Elk Antler Handle Cane

These canes are absolutely beautiful and built to last a lifetime. Most of our canes are inlaid with novelty items like the indian head penny or the buffalo nickel. Most of our customers have sent us personal items to have custom inlay work done on their canes for a more personal touch. However, if simplicity is more to your liking, you may purchase one of these canes in it's natural beauty without any adornment.

Ross Taylor Bull Elk Handle Cane

Quanity: (ordered one at a time) @ $145.00 each

Would you like to add an additional inlay? (Price on additional inlays may vary from $5.00 to $10.00 depending on your selection)

click a photo for a larger version

American Flag

Arrowhead (gold)

Arrrowhead (silver)

Buffalo Nickel

Buffalo Quarter (gold)

Buffalo Quarter (silver)

Buffalo Tooth

Indian Head Penny

New Buffalo Nickel

Rattle Snake Rattle

Name to put on Nameplate:

Height of Person Cane is for: feet inches

For custom inlays, please briefly explain what you would like:

Items available to order:

Toll Free: 1-888-532-9800 Toll Free: 1-888-532-9800

ALL of our products are made from the reproductive organ of an American buffalo or a domestic bull and that's NO BULL! A 5/16" steel rod is inserted from tip to tip. These products are extremely durable, built to use and last a lifetime.

animal products, bull and buffalo walking sticks
Specialty canes and novelty walking sticks
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© Copyright 2004-2025, Ross Taylor Originals. All Rights Reserved
3450 W. 8550 S. West Jordan, Utah 84088
Toll Free: 1-888-532-9800 | FAX: 1-801-566-1993 | info@rtoproducts.com
Orders in Canada call: 1-866-217-8091